03 December 2010

10th Mountain Division News Roundup

The Fallen
Lt. Scott Milley

Funeral arrangements being made for soldier from Sudbury

Kin bringing home Sudbury soldier, 23

2 Dec

Soldiers prepare to work with Afghan populace

Leahy launches pilot program for injured Guard members
The U.S. Army Medical Command has begun implementing a new first-in-the-nation medical pilot program for returning members of the 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, which includes most of the line-of-duty injuries among the 1,300 Vermont National Guard members who are returning from deployments in Afghanistan.


The Army has based this pilot program out of Fort Drum, New York, so the majority of Vermont soldiers will be nearer to home even while they remain in-patients or while they receive out-patient care in the WTU.

Face of Defense: Wife, Mother Serves for Family, Country, My ABC 50: Soldier, wife, mother serves for protection of family, country
When Army Sgt. Autumn Hughes re-enlisted at Bagram Airfield on Nov. 23, she renewed her commitment to the Army while remaining dedicated to her role as a wife and mother.

This was the second re-enlistment for the 25-year-old Keyser, W.Va., native, currently assigned to Task Force Phoenix with the 10th Mountain Division’s 3rd Battalion, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade.

Tree farms send Christmas cheer to troops

3 Dec
Facebook Pages
2nd BN 22nd INF has new pictures on their page.

1-87 IN/1BCT/10MTN DIVreminds us of an event at the Commons. Check the wall for more info.

Holiday greetings from Video: 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan.

Noon Interview: Holiday Tour Of Homes On Fort Drum

Residents pull together to support soldiers
HHC, 1-10 ATK BN, 10th Mountain Division receives care packages from home after thieves ransack their Connex in Afghanistan.

Fort Drum apologizes for explosion last month

The Mountain View Magazine Issue 1

The Mountain View Magazine Issue 2

Red Cross team visits wounded soldiers
Army Sgt. 1st Class Brian Eisch gets a visit while recovering Army Sgt. 1st Class Brian Eisch at Walter Reed Army Medical Center from woulds received in combat.

Watertown Holds Christmas Tree Lighting on Public Square
Several Ft Drum soldiers Interviewed.

Local kid reporter focuses on Fort Polk
Kid reporter Tori Feaster, 12, likes to take advantage of any opportunity to write a story, she said. It's a good thing, because those opportunities are about to multiply for the Vernon Middle School sixth grader.
Feaster was recently tapped by Scholastic News to become a member of the Scholastic Kids Press Corps, a team of about 50 reporters, ages 10-14, who report on current events, breaking news, entertainment and sports events from their hometowns across the country. Feaster said the appointment was a dream come true.

Platoon Sergeants Are The Engines of Every Mission
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