27 May 2010

10th Mountain Division News Roundup

1st BSTB Improves Local Schools
Soldiers of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, from the 10th Mountain Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team have been coordinating efforts recently to help improve school facilities in Dehdadi District in Northern Afghanistan.

Three schools they have been working with are the Habiday Balkh Preschool, Primary school and High School.

Young soldier making way through military

10th Mountain Division soldier Kevin Fitch is the focus of a story in the Houma, LA newspaper.

From Facebook

2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division
Today 2nd BCT gives us photo albums of several transfer of authority ceremonies and also the USO visit of country music artist Michael Peterson.

Hhc Headhunters
Today HHC 2/87 reminds us that today is Division safety day, so if you need to come on post this morning, give yourself extra time. They also remind us that every Wednesday the Watertown Farmer's Market will be open in front of the Dulles State Office Building and that the US army has a youtube channel, which is located Here.

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