03 July 2010

10th Mountain Division News Roundup

Death on Facebook
10th Mountain Division soldier, First Lt. Mark Larson blogs on the death of fellow 10th Mountain soldier, First Lt. Joe Theinert and how social media has affected the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

McHugh returns to roots at Ft. Drum
It was a memorable homecoming for Secretary of the Army John McHugh. The longtime North Country Congressman made his first visit to Fort Drum since becoming Secretary as the 10th Mountain Division celebrated an historic milestone.

Soldier to return for visit
Army Spc. Robert Nolan is the focus of this article in his hometown paper.

67 Americans who will not be celebrating the 4th of July
The Madison Independent Examiner's Gregory Patin gives us a touching article on the losses of military personnel in Afghanistan, including 10th Mountain soldiers Lt. Joseph J. Theinert, and Spc. Brian M. Anderson.

25th Anniversary of the 10th Mountain Division
The 10th Mountain Division, the Fort Drum families, political figures and the North Country community gathered on Fort Drum yesterday.

Fort Drum’s annual Mountainfest celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the 10th Mountain Division’s Re-Activation.

From Facebook

1st BCT
1st BCT gives us several videos and pictures from Afghanistan.

2nd Brigade Combat Team
We get pictures of the FRG of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team making welcome home signs and banners.
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