09 August 2010

SITREP: August 9th

No your noble host has not forgotten about you. He has again been called away. Due to some technical issues I was to be here to help fill in the blanks during his departure, however I wasn't able to login.

The Mechanic got if fixed, and wa-la! Frozen in Drum is not quite so frozen and back in swing!

So without further adieu, lets get you what yer asking for eh?


Officials at the home of the Army's 10th Mountain Division say two-member "courtesy patrols" will visit clubs, restaurants and bars in the Watertown area between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The Fort Drum community said good-bye to 100 members of the Charlie Company MEDEVAC, 3-10, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, on August 6th in a deployment ceremony.
The Charlie Company MEDEVAC, 3-10, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division recently returned home from Iraq in October, after supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom since October 2008. During their last deployment, the unit flew over 350 medical evacuation missions and transported more than 450 patients.

The company will now deploy to Afghanistan to support a similar operation, working to ensure the safety of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Families and friends welcomed 276 members of the 10th Mountain Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team back from Iraq at Magrath Sports Complex early this month. The brigade's task was to train Iraqi police and military forces. It deployed in October and returned more than three months earlier than planned. there are still about 900 members of the unit to come home.

Daughter of a 10th Mountain Division World War II Vet is giving back, by arranging a gathering of 10th Mountain Veterans and Descendants of 10th Mountain veterans
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