11 May 2010

10th Mountain Division News Roundup

Without fanfare, milestone reached
In 2007, Chip (Francis) Reiter won the CIF DI pole vault title for Chino Hills High School by clearing 15 feet, the first Husky to win an individual title. He later finished 11th in the state.

At the end of the month, Reiter will be deployed to Afghanistan as part of the famed 10th Mountain Division out of Ft. Drum, N.Y. Airborne-qualified, PFC Reiter is part of the 1st Combat Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry.

Behind the scenes in a well-equipped Army troop
10th mountain Division soldier, Sgt. Jason Goodman, of 1-71 Cav is the focus of an NPR article.

Sessions at the WorkPlace offer help for job seekers
A workshop on resume content, formats and designs will run May 17 and 24. "Navigating the Fort Drum Application Process" will be held May 19 and job searches for older workers will be discussed May 25.

Photos albums from the units
From Forward April 22, 2010
1/87 Infantry has posted new pictures of soldiers from the unit in Afghanistan on their Facebook page.

Life in Afghanistan
2/22 Infantry has a photo album titled "Life in Afghanistan" on their Facebook page.

Outside the Wire
Photos from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Facebook album as they travel outside the wire in Afghanistan.

Around Camp Spann
Photos from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Facebook album showing us some of Camp Spann, their temporary home in Afghanistan.

Uncasing Ceremony
Photos from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Facebook album as they document their assumption of the mission in Afghanistan.

1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division's Photos - Happy Mother's Day!
Photos from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Facebook album as soldiers of the Brigade send Mother's Day greetings back to their families at Home.
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