13 May 2010

Press Release- Division Command Sergeant Major Change of Responsibility Ceremony

A Change of Responsibility Ceremony for the 10th Mountain Division Command Sergeant Major will be held 10 a.m. Friday, May 14, at Sexton Field here.

Command Sgt. Maj. Kenneth E. Patton will relinquish responsibilities to Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher K. Greca.

CSM Patton will resume his position as the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade Command Sergeant Major. CSM Greca most recently served as the Post Command Sergeant Major for the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk, La. CSM Greca also served as the Command Sergeant Major for the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at Fort Polk.

Maj. Gen. James Terry, Fort Drum and 10th Mountain Division commanding general, will give remarks during the ceremony.

Media interested in covering the ceremony must R.S.V.P. to the Fort Drum public affairs office no later than 4 p.m. Thursday, May 13, by calling Maj. Fred Harrell at 315-772-7267.

10th Mountain Division News Roundup

Drum jet fuel leak cleanup slated
The federal government has approved a $6.5 million contract with EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Syracuse, to recover nearly all of the estimated 350,000 gallons of jet fuel that leaked from storage containers into the ground at Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield.

Next Phase of Fort Drum Fuel Spill Clean-Up Underway
WWNY-TV video clip about the cleanup of fuel contamination at Wheeler Sack Airfueld on Fort drum.

From Facebook
Watertown Zoo "The New York State Zoo" military appreciation day.
AUSA reminds us that the zoo is offering free admission this Saturday, May 15 with your military ID card.

Afghan National Army Troops Receive Vital Training
From Trainee to Trainer
SPC Blair Neelands gives us this about 2nd BN 22nd INF training the Afghan National Army at the the Kabul Military Training Center.

2nd BN 22nd INF, Echo Company FRG craft day
The Triple Deuce facebook page has a new photo album with pictures from Echo Company FRG craft day.

1-87 IN/1BCT/10MTN DIV
There are 2 new photo albums from 1/87 Infantry.
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