20 August 2010

SITREP: August 20th

BloodSpite here once again giving the latest Round up on Ft Drum and 10th Mountain News!

As the men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry deployed, planeload after planeload, to Afghanistan this year, there was an unspoken question in the air: Who among them wouldn’t make it home? Sadly the question was answered: Specialist Brian Anderson, a 24-year-old from Broadway, a small town in Virginia

New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Acting Commissioner Stanley Gee was joined by federal, state and local officials in the Jefferson County today to mark the beginning of a $55.6 million highway project that will link Interstate 81 and the Main Gate of Fort Drum. This project will improve traffic mobility along the Route 11 corridor and will give an economic boost to the entire Fort Drum area.

"What do the Greek, Mongolian, Latvian and British Armies have in common? They’ve all been in Afghanistan before: the Greeks under Alexander; the Mongols under Genghis Khan; the Latvians as part of the Soviet Union; and the British more than a few times. They are also current members of the International Security Assistance Force, and contribute troops to the coalition mission in Afghanistan" First Lt. Mark Larson is serving with the 10th Mountain Division in Kabul and has written blogs at www.handfulofdust.net has a article featured by the New York Times

The Boeing CH-47F Chinook helicopter was fielded July 30 by the U.S. Army’s B Company, 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y. The 10th Mountain Division is the sixth Army unit to be trained and equipped with the aircraft.
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